100% Money-Back GuaranteeYou can’t go wrong with this incredible guarantee!You have 30 days from the date of purchase to test out the training. If you do the work and don’t feel that I’ve delivered on my promise, I’ll gladly refund 100% of your money.
To be eligible for a refund, I require your completed homework from the first two modules, as well as a written description of the changes you were making and the results you got. This means you must apply the course teachings to your life and your relationships. Simply send us an email to
info@relationshipschool.com with your homework attached. If you do the work and don’t get value, then I don’t deserve your money and I’ll gladly refund you 100% what you paid for the course.
I do this because I’m looking for serious and committed students only. I take my learning environment seriously and maintain a very high standard of truth, integrity, encouragement, and inspired, action-oriented learning.